Harmful Lies Perpetuated by Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle

Tina Swithin founded the online organization, One Mom’s Battle (OMB). OMB intentions are to defame our Family Court System, deny the phenomenon of parental alienation, and attack the professionals who dedicate their careers to protecting children. Swithin is motivated by money and popularity.

Swithin’s lies have aroused skepticism and have induced several state legislatures to pass anti-alienation laws that result in harm to children.

Two important truths about Swithin are discussed here:

FURTHER READING: Tina Swithin’s Behaviors Are Harmful to Alienated Children

Tina Swithin Is Not an Authority on Parental Alienation

Tina Swithin Falsely Reports About Parental Alienation

Swithin’s deceptive and defamatory reporting about alienation fails to cite the Court findings and orders regarding the alienation cases she is criticizing. This is hardly surprising given Swithin’s biased, self-serving agenda.

Omitted from Swithin’s reporting is that the Courts have found the alienating parent to be an abusive parent and the alienated parent to be a safe, protective parent.

Swithin does not interview the alienated parent nor report about the alienated parent’s perspective on the family dynamics. Doing so would utterly undermine Swithin’s entire false narrative.

harmed alienated child

FURTHER READING: Will the Real Tina Swithin Please Stand Up – Experts Inquire

Tina Swithin Harms Children

Swithin did not report about her involvement in a case in which a child was kidnapped from the alienated parent. The kidnapping prevented the child from participating in a Court-ordered reunification program with the alienated parent.

Swithin did not report about her involvement in another case in which she facilitated the kidnapping of two minor children from their alienated parent. The children were assisted in making a video in which they falsely accused their alienated parent and the reunification program of abuse. The alienated parent had sole legal custody and did not authorize the making and publicizing of the video.

Swithin did not report about her involvement in several cases in which she aided in alerting the press about the time and place of the Court-ordered transition of the children. This resulted in a public media circus that terrorized and exploited the children. With Swithin’s coaching, the alienating parent encouraged the children to become hysterical and severely act-out during the transition.

What Is Parental Alienation?

alienated toddler

Parental alienation is an abusive family dynamic in which a parent brainwashes a child to reject the other parent. The rejected parent has been found by the Court to be a safe, protective, and loving parent. The rejection is completely unjustified and anti-instinctual.

FURTHER READING: Tina Swithin’s Harmful Lies About Reunification Camps


Tina Swithin is not motivated by “the child’s best interests.” If she were, she would not aid in orchestrating the media blitzes of custody transfers, advertise for minor children to report their alienation stories, facilitate the kidnapping of alienated children in defiance of Court orders, and publicly expose children’s identities in her online posts.

Tina Swithin self-describes as an advocate who promotes child protection. To the contrary, Swithin’s self-serving agenda delays Court orders for safe and effective treatment to heal the child abuse being committed by alienating parents.

Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R
Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R

Linda is internationally recognized as a parental alienation specialist. With more than 50 years of professional experience as a family therapist, Linda has helped and protected thousands of children.

Linda has testified in more than 500 adversarial custody cases and is highly regarded as an accomplished expert witness & author.