Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle (OMB) posts articles and videos about parental alienation across her various social media accounts.
Swithin deceitfully defames the dedicated professionals who work to end the child-abuse occurring in parental alienation. She falsely accuses these professionals of harming children and slanders anyone who disagrees with her opinions.
Swithin deceitfully defames parents who are victims of parental alienation. She falsely alleges that their alienation claims are fictitious, and she instead wrongfully accuses alienated parents of child abuse.
Swithin further claims that alienated parents and alienation specialists suffer from one or more personality disorders – Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
Here I discuss Swithin’s media posts that are harming children and erroneously defaming alienated parents and professionals.
Tina Swithin Lacks the Credentials to Offer Clinical Opinions and to Diagnose
Swithin is unqualified to render mental health opinions or to diagnose.
- Swithin is not a licensed clinician.
- Swithin lacks even a basic understanding of the family phenomenon of alienation.
- Swithin has not trained or studied about alienation with a qualified specialist.
- Swithin has not provided any proof or documentation of having attended nor completed any professional workshops or seminars about alienation.
- Swithin has not passed a Voir Dire challenge about parental alienation.
- Swithin has not passed a Daubert challenge on her knowledge about parental alienation.
Further Reading: Harmful Lies Perpetuated by Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle
How Tina Swithin Promulgates Her Harmful Lies About Parental Alienation
Although unqualified to render opinions about alienation, Swithin is remarkably successful in influencing others to accept her opinions. Swithin deceptively presents as charismatic, compassionate, and credible and thereby has amassed a large following.
Swithin plays on her followers’ emotions and sympathies to gain their support. She accomplishes this by fabricating horror stories of alienated children being traumatized by the “alienation industry,” a term Swithin deceitfully made up.
Swithin fails to disclose that she is the one behind the fabricated postings made by these alienated children.

Tina Swithin Maliciously Accuses Alienated Parents of Having a Personality Disorder
Someone who has a personality disorder suffers profoundly compromised judgment, psychological stability, interpersonal functioning, and parenting abilities.
Swithin fails to provide a shred of evidence for her false claim that alienated parents have a personality disorder.
Swithin ignores the research that finds exactly the opposite – Severely alienating parents almost surely have one or more personality disorders.
Swithin’s false claims unfairly harm alienated parents in the eyes of the Court and in the eyes of their children.

Swithin states:
“What is the common denominator that we see in high-conflict custody battles? Often, one parent has a diagnosed (or suspected) Cluster B personality disorder. The three disorders that are most common are: Borderline Personality Disorder (more common with females than with males), Narcissistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders (more common in males than in females). With each of these three Cluster B disorders, there is a pronounced lack of empathy and repeated testing of laws, rules, and personal boundaries.”
SEE SWITHIN’S ARTICLE: Family Court and Narcissistic Abuse
Swithin states:
“Our mission at One Mom’s Battle is to increase awareness of Cluster B personality disorders (Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder) and their impact upon shared parenting and the Family Court System which includes Judges, CPS workers, Guardian ad Litems (GAL), Parenting Coordinators (PC), Custody Evaluators, therapists and attorneys.”
Swithin’s claim that alienated parents have a personality disorder is based solely upon the ipse dixit logical fallacy – “It’s true because I said so.”

FURTHER READING: Tina Swithin’s Harmful Lies About Reunification Camps
Tina Swithin Has Unlawfully & Harmfully Obstructed Court-Ordered Reunifications
Swithin has unlawfully imposed herself into several Court-ordered reunifications that resulted in sabotage. She then deceitfully generalized these examples to all reunification interventions, which she claims are failures that traumatize children.

Consider the following examples of Swithin’s unlawful involvements in Court-ordered reunifications:
The night before a Court-ordered reunification intervention was to begin, Swithin orchestrated and aided in the kidnapping of a teenager from the alienated parent and thereby foiled the intervention.
Swithin facilitated the kidnapping of two minor children from their alienated parent and assisted them in making a video in which they falsely accused their alienated parent and the reunification program of child abuse. The alienated parent had sole legal custody and did not authorize the making and publicizing of the video.
In at least three Court-ordered transitions of children from their alienating parent to their alienated parent, Swithin counseled the children to hysterically shriek and violently resist the transition. She foiled the interventions.
Swithin notified the media of the time and place of the these transitions so the hysterical, acting-out children would be recorded. Swithin posted these videos which portrayed the children as being terrorized. She furthered the abuse on these alienated children.
Swithin Influenced and counseled children to make defamatory videos falsely claiming to have participated in the TPFF intervention. In these videos, the children falsely accused their alienating parent of committing child abuse.

FURTHER READING: Larson Findings of Fact & Swithin’s Interference
Tina Swithin’s Specious & Harmful Reporting About Alienation Cases
- Swithin neglects to cite the Court’s finding that the alienating parent is committing child abuse.
- Swithin neglects to cite the Court’s finding that the alienated parent is a safe, protective, loving parent who acts in the children’s best interests.
- Swithin fails to acknowledge that she had counseled children to act as of they are being tortured when being removed from their alienating parent.
- Swithin fails to acknowledge that she provided children with the scripts for their videos in which they defamed their alienated parent and the reunification intervention.
- Swithin fails to present alienated parents’ perspective on the family events.
- Swithin ignores the peer-reviewed research findings regarding the safety and effectiveness of the reunification programs she criticizes – for example that TPFF was found to be safe and 96.4% effective in reuniting severely children with their severely alienated parent.
- Swithin has never requested to interview any reunification therapist in order to gain a true understanding about the treatment they provide.
SWITHIN’S LIES: California Children Sent to Family Bridges Reunification Camp

Tina Swithin Neglects the Safety of Alienated Children
Swithin is oblivious to or simply does not care that her public disclosures of alienated children’s stories is exceedingly harmful to them and intensifies their abuse from the alienation.
Swithin further neglects to obtain required informed consent for these public disclosures. Doing so would necessitate Swithin contacting the children’s alienated parents, which Swithin wants to avoid at all costs.
Swithin is well aware that these children’s alienated parents are concerned and horrified by her selfish and unauthorized exploitation of their children. As opposed to alienating parents, alienated parents conscientiously protect their children, in their best interests, by concealing their identities and public exposure.
Swithin’s following posts reflect her pattern of harmful behaviors to disregard the safety of minor alienated children. Without having obtained appropriate parental consent, Swithin discloses these children’s identifies and their painful family dramas.
Here is another example of Swithin’s many exploitative posts about alienated children. In this, she actively recruits alienated children, who are minors, to come forward to make videos of their allegedly traumatizing experiences in reunification therapy.

Here’s another of Swithin’s exploited alienated children to whom she handed a script to create a video for publication about her reunification treatment. I have whited-out the girl’s face to protect her identity. Swithin did not.

Tina Swithin, have you no shame? How far will you go in exploiting children in service of your self-serving agenda?
Children instinctively recoil from having their family drama and trauma publicly disclosed. Extreme coercive control techniques and abusive manipulations are therefore required to get alienated children to come forward to make the videos that Swithin requires.
Children instinctively recoil when their parents are criticized. Remember how, as a child, we hated when our parents were denigrated! To overcome alienated children’s instinctive resistance to discussing how their parents behave very badly, Swithin provides them with the script for the videos she requires them to make.
Publicly exposing minor, alienated children’s family drama is one of many ways that Swithin selfishly exploits alienated children.

FURTHER READING: Will the Real Tina Swithin Please Stand Up – Experts Inquire
Tina Swithin’s Erroneous Claims About Alienation
- Richard Gardner, who coined the label Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), was a revered child psychiatrist who served on the faculty of Columbia University School of Medicine. Swithin falsely claims Gardner was a pedophile.
- Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) meets the DSM-5 definition of a syndrome (p. 830). Swithin irresponsibly claims PAS does not qualify as a syndrome.
- The dysfunctional family dynamics occurring in parental alienation are cited in the family relational section of the DSM-5-TR. Swithin irresponsibly claims parental alienation is junk science.
- Parental alienation is recognized in the scientific and psychiatric communities. Swithin irresponsibly claims that parental alienation is rejected in the scientific and psychiatric communities.
- Turning Points for Families is accurately labeled a “Therapeutic Vacation.” Swithin irresponsibly fabricates the label “reunification camps” to instill horror by implying “boot camp” and “concentration camp.”
- Courts refer families to TPFF to begin the healing process after making their finding of child abuse by the alienating parent. Swithin irresponsibly claims that TPFF sends children to an abusive parent.
- Turning Points for Families (TPFF) has been peer-reviewed for safety and 96.4% effectiveness in healing cases of severe parental alienation. Swithin irresponsibly claims that TPFF traumatizes children.
- There is no organization, either formal or informal, known as the
“alienation industry.” Swithin irresponsibly fabricated this non-existent industry.

Tina Swithin Shows No Remorse for Her Harmful Behaviors
Swithin shows no remorse or regrets about exposing minor children to horrific publicity about their private family drama. The harm to children from alienation is damaging enough. Swithin’s unauthorized spread of their stories throughout her social media accounts exponentially increases the damage.
Claims of child abuse must be taken seriously and investigated according to the scientific method to make clinical findings. When a Court makes a finding of child abuse against a parent, that parent must be prevented from having further contact with the child until the abusive behaviors are relinquished.
Tina Swithin has sabotaged several Court-ordered protective separations of children from their abusive alienating parent. Swithin should be held accountable for her unlawful behaviors that have further harmed alienated children.