- Preventive Therapy for Family Issues
- Parental Alienation
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence by Proxy
- Child Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Psychological
- Parent-Child Relational Problems
- Training for Professionals
- Forensic Evaluations
- Family Systems Evaluations
- Trial Consultant – High Conflict Cases
- Parent Coordinator
- Continuing Mental Health Ed Provider
- Continuing Legal Education Provider
- Scientific Method to Make Clinical Findings
Professionals Speak
“The TPFF program plays a critical role in treating families suffering from moderate to severe parental alienation.”

Dr. William Bernet, MD
“Linda Gottlieb has for years provided highly effective services for these difficult and intractable alienation cases.”

Brian Ludmer, B. Com, LLB
“Turning Points for Families continues to impress. Research demonstrates that this intensive program saves children.”

D. Lorandos, PhD, JD
“I have referred many families to TPFF and the courts have found the program to be a valuable asset for custody cases.”

Shazia Sparkman, ESQ
“With your book, you’ve created a niche for PAS in family therapy. Bravo! Congratulations!” (4/16/12)

Salvador Minuchin, MD
Pre-eminent Founder of the Family Therapy Movement
“Your generosity of heart to open your home and offer treatment services pro bono goes beyond my imagination.”
