Will the Real Tina Swithin Please Stand Up – Experts Inquire

In 2009, Tina Swithin, of One Mom’s Battle (OMB), had an exceedingly contentious public custody battle. Swithin is to be commended for prioritizing her children’s best interests during the protracted Court proceedings.

Swithin has, to the contrary, reversed her behaviors. She has abandoned the child’s best interest standard when it comes to children who are Court-ordered to participate in reunification therapy. Swithin has exacerbated the harm to these children.

Swithin's lies

Here I will discuss:

Tina Swithin Knows Better

According to her posts and videos on social media:

Swithin proudly and correctly credits herself for having shielded her children from public exposure in her own custody case. Swithin writes:

LEARN MORE: Tina Swithin Protects Her Own Children’s Identities

The Child’s Best Interests Required in Contentious Custody Cases

There are a number of “child best interests” parental behaviors that are indispensable in contentious custody cases. These include:

Exposure of children to publicity and disclosure of their adverse experiences from the family drama is embarrassing, humiliating, and often traumatizing. Swithin is well aware of this, so she acted accordingly to shield her own children from such exposure.

FURTHER READING: Harmful Lies Perpetuated by Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle

Tina Swithin’s Unlawful Intrusions into Reunification Cases

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Swithin unlawfully imposes herself in Court-Ordered reunification cases so as to sabotage the reunifications. Swithin stealthily conceals her role in the sabotage – making it appear that the children themselves are freely resisting reunification.

Swithin posts online videos of children whom she claims are victimized by dishonorable Family Court judges and “reunification camps.” These horrific videos show children violently resisting a Court-ordered removal from a parent.

These videos truly are horrific. But they do not reveal the context of the videos.

Swithin fails to state that she masterminds the videos. She encourages and counsels children to shriek hysterically and to violently resist the removal so as to appear that they are being tortured. Swithin alerts the media to film and disclose the events.

FURTHER READING: Larson Findings of Facts & Swithin’s Interference

FURTHER READING: Tina Swithin’s Harmful Lies About Reunification Camps

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The above are examples of the exploitative social media posts made by onemomsbattle (Tina Swithin). I blurred the faces of the minor children to protect their identities.

Swithin does not blur children’s faces and shamelessly includes their names and other personal information. She knew better than to do that with her own children.

FURTHER READING: Tina Swithin’s Behaviors Are Harmful to Alienated Children

Potential Harm to Children From Public Exposure & Disclosure

Minor children cannot give consent for public disclosure of their stories. Such consent must be “informed” – which means having a sufficient understanding of the consequences from such exposure and disclosure.

Alienated children cannot possibly have acquired sufficient understanding. First, human cognitive development does not mature until the mid-twenties. Second, cognitive functioning of alienated children has been severely compromised by the alienation programming. Alienation programming is analogous to the programming in a cult.

The following are some of the serious potential consequences to children from exposure and disclosure of their family drama:


Alienated children have been profoundly harmed by their alienating parent. Unmediated alienation portends an exceedingly poor prognosis in life. Public disclosure and exposure carries high risks for post traumatic stress disorder and other severe psychiatric conditions.

Tina Swithin’s unlawful intrusions in Court-ordered reunification cases has perpetuated and exacerbated the child abuse by derailing and even precluding timely and effective treatment.

Tina Swithin should receive justice according to how anyone who engages in criminal behaviors receives justice.

Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R
Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R

Linda is internationally recognized as a parental alienation specialist. With more than 50 years of professional experience as a family therapist, Linda has helped and protected thousands of children.

Linda has testified in more than 500 adversarial custody cases and is highly regarded as an accomplished expert witness & author.