Lies Perpetuated by the Alienating Parents’ Industry

Safe Reunification Programs: Mislabeled as Unsafe Reunification Camps

False information is being spread about parental alienation and Court-ordered reunification programs, such as Turning Points for Families (TPFF).

These reunification programs, which are relied upon the Courts to provide safe and effective treatment for severe alienation, have been mislabeled and misrepresented as unsafe “reunification camps”.

Turning Points for Families, correctly named “A Therapeutic Vacation” is the program I developed to treat severe cases of parental alienation.

TPFF has been found by a peer-reviewed research study to be safe and 96.4% effective in reconnecting children with an unjustifiably and unreasonably rejected severely alienated parent.

Necessary reunification programs, such as TPFF, are relied upon by the Courts to restore healthy family functioning and to protect children.

For the best interest of the child:

The lies about reunification programs posted on unregulated social media platforms and which are being perpetuated by biased, unethical, sensationalism-seeking zealots and by abusive alienating parents should be utterly rejected.

Triple Uncorroborated Hearsay Re: Turning Points for Families

Here is a brief list of the bad actors who perpetrate uncorroborated, double and triple hearsay and defamations about reunification programs such as TPFF:

Some of the offenders are disgraced, unethical professionals who have lost their licenses to practice law and psychotherapy.

Facts About the Critics – What They Do Not Tell You

Just the Facts, Ma’am – No Ad Hominem Attacks

When scientific analysis and logical reasoning are applied to the criticisms, it is crystal clear that they are all ad hominem attacks and not informed critiques.

Critiques are informed by neutral, validated, quality evidence, not by unproven speculation, an unsubstantiated belief system, and self-serving biased agendas.

Exploitation of Children by One Mom’s Battle

The “alienating parents’ industry,” has been born out of social media. Everyone is an expert online. This group that harms children is led by Tina Swithin, suspected to be an alienating parent herself, of One Mom’s Battle.

Swithin has been spreading a false narrative that Court-ordered reunification programs, such as Turning Points for Families, harm children.

defaming courts

Swithin perpetuates the knowingly false claim that judges intentionally give custody of children to known, child abusive, violent parents.

Swithin is not a licensed mental health professional and has no credentials in child custody or family matters. She has had no direct experience with or factual knowledge about Court-ordered reunification programs.

Swithin has interfered with and undermined Court-orders in multiple cases in which the Court had made findings of child abuse by the alienating parent and found the alienated parent to be a safe, protective parent.

FURTHER READING: Will the Real Tina Swithin Please Stand Up – Experts Inquire

Swithin has assisted alienating parents to thwart Court orders by encouraging alienating parents not to transition the children to the custody of their alienated parent, as so ordered by the Court.

By defaming the reunification programs relied upon by the Courts to heal family dysfunction and by assisting in the thwarting of Court orders,

programming a child

Swithin claims to be a protector of children. To the contrary, Swithin has no problem exploiting as many minor children as possible.

Swithin uses coercive-control tactics to manipulate children into believing that the Court got it all wrong regarding their family dynamics.

Swithin posts graphic videos of children who have been incited by their alienating parents to needlessly and unjustifiably act-out and to become hysterical during the Court-ordered transition from the alienating parent to the alienated parent.

Swithin has invited the media to film these exploitative, traumatic-induced transitions in order to fuel her self-enriching, self-serving goals.

Swithin exploits children by advertising for minor alienated children to come forward and tell their false stories regarding their alienated parent and about their participation in a Court-ordered reunification program.

Some of the videos of the false stories that were posted on social media with Swithin’s assistance, in violations of Court orders, were made by children who had been kidnapped by their alienating parent from their alienated parent, who had sole legal and physical custody by Court order and who had not authorized the making or posting of the videos.

FURTHER READING: Harmful Lies Perpetuated by Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle

The Critics’ Rejection of Science and the Law

When one closely examines the lack of evidence for the denial of the parental alienation phenomenon and for the criticisms of the Court-ordered reunification programs and the child protective basis for the Court orders, one cannot help but notice the glaring bias, ignorance, incompetence, and quest for sensationalism of those perpetuating the criticisms.

science child

Notice the utter eschewing by the critics in their social media posts and articles of the extensive scientific research underpinning the phenomenon of alienation and their utter failure to cite the Court findings for alienation and the basis for the Court orders for the TPFF program.

Despite having been directly provided extensive scientific evidence for the phenomenon of alienation, none of these bad actors have included in their stories any of the science underpinning alienation.

And what more objective evidence could be provided about the family dynamics in a specific case than the findings of the court! These findings were based upon extensive evidence and testimony regarding many years of the family history.

But the Court findings and orders are shamelessly excluded from the misleading and distorted articles and posts by these unethical bad actors.

The Court orders found the alienating parent to be an abusive parent and the alienated parent to be a protective parent.

In contradiction to the Court findings, these unethical critics instead falsely report that the alienating parent is a protective parent and the alienated parent is an abusive parent.

court order

There is no mention that the court had found the alienated parent to be a protective, loving parent and that the court took custody away from the alienating parent for protective reasons.

It is only after the Court orders the child’s protective removal from the abusive alienating parent and placement with the protective alienated parent that TPFF becomes involved in providing treatment.

When reporters provide only one side of a story, they are violating their professional standards to be neutral, objective, and thorough.

Unqualified Critics Should Not Be Given Credibility for Their Opinions

To the contrary of being qualified, self-proclaimed experts who deny alienation and criticize the Court-ordered reunification programs have not acquired the necessary education, training, and experience to render accurate opinions about parental alienation.

They would not be able to pass the rigid voir dire examination on parental alienation that my colleagues and I have passed multiple times over.

frustrated alienated parent

Many are not even licensed clinicians in any mental health discipline – let alone being licensed as a family therapist, and certainly lacking the highly specialized skills needed to become a specialist in parental alienation.

None of these self-proclaimed experts, to my knowledge, have assessed or treated a child for alienation nor interviewed the alienated parent in order to get a sense of the total clinical picture.

None of these self-proclaimed experts interviewed a single alienated parent who had participated in the TPFF intervention.

The Truth About the TPFF Outcomes

185 children participated in the TPFF intervention. Subsequent to each intervention, the Court heard testimony on all 185 children about how they did and the progress towards reunification. 

In all cases in which the alienating parent had not violated the Court-ordered protective separation, the children met the treatment goals of the program, and the alienated parents reported major improvements in their relationships.

Some of the bad actors are pushing false narratives about reunification programs for self-serving and biased motivations. They have showcased horrific videos of instigated minors making negative claims about their alleged experiences at TPFF.

These bad actors fail to verify the accuracy of these false allegations, which have been definitively found by the courts to lack merit.

TPFF success

Reporters’ Biased, Distorted, and Knowingly False Claims About TPFF

Hannah Dreyfus – Formerly of ProPublica

Hannah Dreyfus previously wrote for the widely known online news publication, ProPublica.

She published a 2023 article about a case in which she falsely claimed that I had forced the children to go with their abusive parent. Dreyfus further claimed that this routinely occurs in the TPFF interventions.

The case Dreyfus published about was not my case. Dreyfus further fabricated a recording of an interview of someone she claims to be me discussing that case. It was not me.

false claims of alienation

This article, in which Dreyfus fabricated comments falsely attributed to me, is just one of Dreyfus’ many examples where she shamelessly and blatantly ignores the facts and manufactures falsehoods.

Dreyfus’ claims about Turning Points for Families and about me are utterly false and serve her self-interested, biased agenda to discredit the concept of parental alienation.

The truth is that Courts order the Turning Points for Families Intervention after hearing extensive evidence and taking extensive testimony regarding the family dynamics.

Alienation cases have usually proceeded for many years, with extensive evidence regarding the ongoing, severe alienation being provided in testimony to the Court.

It is only when the Court has made its findings of abuse against the alienating parent and determined the alienated parent to be the safe parent that the Court orders a protective removal of the children from the alienating parent and then refers the family to TPFF in order to restore healthy family functioning.

The referral to TPFF is typically ordered only after multiple traditional reunification therapies have already failed.

As with all of Dreyfus’s articles about alienation, her confirmation bias against alienation is glaring. Note that Dreyfus routinely fails to discuss the findings of the Court and the basis for why the Court had referred the case to TPFF.

Even when Dreyfus had been provided with the Court’s findings of alienation and the rulings that ordered reunification programs, she fails to include that information in her articles.

Even after having conducted many hours of interviewing of specialists in alienation and having been provided with the overwhelming scientific evidence for the phenomenon of parental alienation, Dreyfus biasedly and sinisterly failed to include or even mention the scientific underpinnings for alienation.

Because of her false reporting about alienation and about safe and effective reunification programs like TPFF:

dreyfus abused child

My lawyer reached out to ProPublica, and, after a few back and forth emails with ProPublica’s Associate General Counsel, Sarah Mathews, Hannah Dreyfus mysteriously no longer worked at ProPublica.

My lawyer will be initiating a fraud and defamation case against ProPublica and Hannah Dreyfus.

Olivia Gentile – The Insider

Olivia Gentile writes for the publication, The Insider.

Gentile has written articles in which she falsely claims that I support children being placed in the custody of an abusive parent. She also wrote misleading articles of interviews with children who stated they had participated in the TPFF intervention.

When the Court refers a case to TPFF, the Court has found the alienating parent to be abusive and the alienated parent to be the safe and protective parent.

For these reasons, the Court has ordered a change in custody from the alienating parent to the alienated parent in order to protect the child.

Gentile’s claim that I support children being placed with abusive parents is not only false, it is an insult to the Court system that works tirelessly to make decisions in the best interest of the child.

In all of her articles regarding reunification for parental alienation, Gentile fails to verify any of the information she writes about with Court findings and rulings.

What is particularly alarming is that Gentile is exploiting alienated children by slandering these necessary and successful treatment programs that the Courts rely upon to help and protect alienated children.

double bind parental alienation

This child psychological abuse distorts, undermines, and compromises the child’s critical reasoning skills, emotional stability, and self-esteem.

Kristen Thorne – Eyewitness News New York

Ms. Thorne is an investigator reporter for Eyewitness News In New York City.

She produced a short TV documentary on parental alienation and interviewed children who stated they had participated in my reunification program, Turning Points for Families.

Thorne reported that parental alienation is a disputed phenomenon and that Turning Points for Families traumatizes children.

Thorne fake news

Parental alienation is not a disputed phenomenon according to qualified professionals. For more than 3 decades I have specialized in parental alienation. It is very real; it is exceedingly harmful to children; and it results in detrimental lifetime consequences to the child.

For Thorne to deny that parental alienation exists is downright irresponsible and insensitive.

The Turing Points for Families intervention has been found to be safe and effective:

TPFF Study for Safety and Effectiveness

Courts rely on my program as a valuable resource to reunify alienated children with their alienated parent.

Thorne’s false reporting that TPFF traumatizes children has frightened lawyers and judges and has prevented some of these interventions from being ordered by the Court.

Thorne’s interviews of these children are exploitative. She puts them right back in the middle of the abusive loyalty conflict between their parents.

Dan Frosch – Wall Street Journal

Dan Frosch is a reporter for the Wall Street Journal.

Frosch contacted me to discuss all aspects of my reunification program, Turning Points for Families and two complaints against me that he had found online.

Frosch misrepresented the facts in his article about reunification programs.

We discussed the TPFF intervention extensively. I further told Frosch where he can obtain all the filings regarding the two meritless complaints.

Of significance is that in one complaint, I had never been involved in the case at all!

This meritless complaint against my co-defendant, the alienated mother, has been dismissed with penalties and was deemed by the Court to be frivolous as well as meritless.

My motion for summary judgment with penalties on this meritless and frivolous complaint is about to be heard. The complaint against me alleges the very same falsehoods that have already been dismissed against the alienated mother.

The other meritless complaint was not about the TPFF intervention nor about my therapy. The complaint alleges that I falsely claim that there is science underpinning the phenomenon of parental alienation. To the contrary, there is overwhelming science that recognizes the phenomenon of alienation.

Frosch deceptively reported about a very isolated, extremely severe alienation case from another reunification program. That case had also been referred by the Court to the intervention program.

Frosch misrepresented reunification programs in general by making it appear as if one case reflects standard treatment outcomes – as if what he had reported was actually the full clinical picture. It was not.

The Turing Points for Families intervention has been found to be safe and effective.

Slanderous articles like Frosch’s make it difficult for Courts to order these reunification programs, which are relied upon to help, treat, and heal severely abused alienated children.

Frosch also made it seem like the two complaints against me were serious and had merit. He, too, shamelessly ignored the truth that was apparent in the online filings I had referred him to.

Frosch did not report objectively. He left out that the frivolous and meritless complaints were made by alienating parents who had lost custody of their children by Court order.


Misinformation and disinformation about reunification programs like Turning Points for Families are being spread on unregulated, biased news and social media platforms.

This slander and libel is harmful to abused children who are counting on the Courts for help, and need Turning Points for Families.

Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R
Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R

Linda is internationally recognized as a parental alienation specialist. With more than 50 years of professional experience as a family therapist, Linda has helped and protected thousands of children.

Linda has testified in more than 500 adversarial custody cases and is highly regarded as an accomplished expert witness & author.