Alienating Parents Are Raising Antisocial Kids

The psychiatric and mental health communities have deemed alienating behaviors to be profoundly abusive to children.

Of upmost concern about alienating behaviors is that they are examples of antisocial behaviors. Severely alienating parents are sowing in their children the seeds of an antisocial personality disorder and possibly other personality disorders as well.

Here you will learn:

What You Need to Know About A General Personality Disorder

Definition & Criteria

antisocial teen

A general personality disorder is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5-TR) as follows:

“An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture” that is marked by the following characteristics:

risky boy on ledge

Cognition issues of Alienated Children

antisocial teenage boy

Affectivity Issues of Alienated Children

severely disturbed teen

Interpersonal Impairments of Alienated Children

Male teen defying alienated mother

Impulse control Issues of Alienated Children

F U boys

FURTHER READING: Manifestations of Alienated Children – As Seen by an Expert

What You Need to Know About an Antisocial Personality Disorder

Definition and Criteria

alienated child disrespect police officer

According to The DSM-5, an antisocial personality disorder is defined as:

“A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following”:

girls threatening with bat

Alienating Behaviors Meet the Criteria of Antisocial Behaviors

Having of a functioning, intact, and unencumbered conscience is fundamental to the ability to comply with one’s societal norms, expectations and behaviors.

Regrettably, the nurturing and development of a maturely functioning conscience does not occur instinctively nor automatically. It is therefore a primary job of parents to nurture their child’s conscience, model socially appropriate behaviors, and teach their children how to become law-abiding, socially appropriate citizens.

Teaching children to behave in a socially appropriate manner is a parental function required by child protection. Children who do not know how to behave in a socially appropriate manner have an exceedingly poor prognosis in life.

Alienating behaviors undermine and compromise the nurturing of the child’s conscience. Alienating parents model and encourage behaviors that violate social norms and expectations.

child affected by alienating behavior to cut a parent out

Baker and Fine’s 17 alienating behaviors are examples of how alienating parents model for their children behaviors that undermine our society’s expectations and norms. Other alienating behaviors are examples of how alienating parents make their children complicit in violating society’s expectations and norms.

Alienating behaviors are examples of a flagrant disregard of empathy for both the alienated and the child. Alienating parents are insensitive and indifferent to their children’s need and love for their alienated parent. Alienating parents are insensitive and indifferent to the alienating parent’s need to have their children meaningfully in their lives.

FURTHER READING: Alienating Behaviors – Domestic Violence Upon the Child

Examples of Antisocial Alienating Behaviors

Further Reading: Parental Alienating Behaviors Discussed by an Expert

Examples of Alienated Children’s Antisocial Behaviors

alienated child finger to father

The DSM-5-TR added a clinical condition labeled “Child or adolescent antisocial behavior” (Z72.810). It is a precursor to the development of an antisocial personality disorder.

Alienated children engage in antisocial behaviors at the coercion and manipulation of their alienating parents.

I have observed this clinical condition to be manifested to some degree by all 800 alienated children whom I directly treated. I also noted the same clinical condition to some degree in several thousand additional alienated children in cases I had served as an expert witness for the Court or for one of the litigants.

Here is a short list of alienated children’s repetitive antisocial behaviors and cruel comments. These behaviors and comments towards their alienated parent are delivered without a shred of empathy or remorse:

alienated mother and child
alienated child ignoring alienated mother
rejecting child with alienating father
alienated mother comforting daughter
rejecting child of father

FURTHER READING: Alienated Children Say the “Darndest” Things

Defiant child with therapist

Parents Must Teach Their Children To Behave in a Socially Appropriate Manner

Parenting is a huge responsibility!


Parents are expected to teach their children to become socially appropriate citizens who abide by their society’s norms, expectations, and behaviors. Modeling, sanctioning, and encouraging antisocial behaviors in their children is a form of child psychological abuse.

Alienating parents are modeling for and encouraging their children to engage in numerous antisocial behaviors. Remedy is required according to the standard of “time is of the essence” along with a commensurate child protective response.

The appropriate protective response to parents who are modeling and encouraging antisocial behaviors in their children is a protective removal of children from such parents.

Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R
Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R

Linda is internationally recognized as a parental alienation specialist. With more than 50 years of professional experience as a family therapist, Linda has helped and protected thousands of children.

Linda has testified in more than 500 adversarial custody cases and is highly regarded as an accomplished expert witness & author.