Parental Alienation – Seeding an Antisocial Personality Disorder

Alienating parents are modeling antisocial behaviors for their children.

Alienating parents are making their children complicit in the commission of antisocial behaviors.

Alienating parents are encouraging and rewarding their children’s antisocial behaviors.

Alienating parents are sowing the seeds of an antisocial personality disorder in their children.

This article will discuss how alienating behaviors meet the DSM-5-TR definition of antisocial behaviors and how alienated children’s maltreatment of their alienated parent meet the DSM-5-TR criteria of “child or adolescent antisocial behavior.”

Definition and Criteria of Antisocial Personality Disorder

alienated child disrespect police officer

According to The DSM-5, an antisocial personality disorder is defined as:

“A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following”:

FURTHER READING: Alienating Behaviors – Domestic Violence Upon the Child

Examples of Antisocial Alienating Behaviors

Further Reading: Parental Alienating Behaviors Discussed by an Expert

Examples of Alienated Children’s Antisocial Behaviors

alienated child finger to father

The DSM-5-TR added a clinical condition labeled “Child or adolescent antisocial behavior” (Z72.810). It is a precursor to the development of an antisocial personality disorder.

Alienated children engage in antisocial behaviors at the coercion and manipulation of their alienating parents.

I have observed this clinical condition to be manifested to some degree by all 800 alienated children whom I directly treated. I also noted the same clinical condition to some degree in several thousand additional alienated children in cases I had served as an expert witness for the Court or for one of the litigants.

Here is a short list of alienated children’s repetitive antisocial behaviors and cruel comments. These behaviors and comments are conveyed to their alienated parent without a shred of empathy or remorse:

child affected by alienating behavior to cut a parent out
alienated child ignoring alienated mother
Defiant child with therapist
abusive alienated child
alienated mother comforting daughter
rejecting child of father

FURTHER READING: Alienated Children Say the “Darndest” Things


An antisocial personality disorder can become characterological as early as adolescence. Characterological means irreversible and not responsive to remediation.

It is time that the mental health and judicial communities address the catastrophic alienating behaviors according to the standard of “time is of the essence.”

Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R
Linda Gottlieb LMFT, LCSW-R

Linda is internationally recognized as a parental alienation specialist. With more than 50 years of professional experience as a family therapist, Linda has helped and protected thousands of children.

Linda has testified in more than 500 adversarial custody cases and is highly regarded as an accomplished expert witness & author.